Pediatric care

An infant or child can have muscle, joint or nerve discomfort just as experienced by adults. However, infants and young children cannot vocalize their discomfort as well. A baby might present as “colicky” or very irritable due to discomfort. Frequently, infants/children learn that if something is causing them pain or discomfort then to simply not do it. Having a head turn preference, refusing to feed a certain way, or disliking tummy time are a few examples.

Here are few of the more common reasons why a parent would seek out chiropractic care for their child:

  • Pre and post frenectomy (tongue/lip tie release) body work

  • Difficulty with nursing or bottle feeding

  • Favoring one breast over the other

  • Favoring looking in one direction

  • Consistent head tilt when lying down or when in the car seat

  • Does not like the car seat

  • Having difficulty holding up their head during tummy time / does not like tummy time

  • Having trouble meeting milestones: rolling, sitting, crawling, walking

  • Digestive issues, including constipation

  • Torticollis

  • Flat head syndrome / Plagiocephaly

  • Reflux

  • Colic

  • Ear Infections

  • Asymmetrical movements patterns.

What Causes Muscle, Joint or Nerve Discomfort In Children?

Several factors can contribute to why your child may be experiencing muscle, joint or nerve issues. A few common reasons are:

  • Position of baby in utero

  • Mom had a difficult or long birth

  • Birth interventions were used such as forceps or vacuum

  • Child has experienced bumps or falls

  • Child has tethered oral tissues (lip, tongue and/or cheek ties)

What is My Approach?

I am committed to supporting you and your child in achieving optimal health and comfort. I take a whole body approach which allows me to look and assess the entire picture so that we can not only treat the symptoms, but get to the root cause of these symptoms. I strongly believe that children get the best care when multiple health care providers work together and collaborate to resolve your child’s health concerns.

What Will My Child’s First Appointment Look Like?

During your child’s initial appointment, a thorough history and physical examination will be performed to identify any areas of tension or restriction that may be contributing to your child’s health concern. During the physical exam I will look inside your baby’s mouth for any signs of oral restrictions (tongue, lip and cheek ties), assess tongue function, and look for any areas of tightness. I will also check for torticollis and flat spots on the head, ensure all milestones are being met, as well check the upper and lower body for any signs of tension and/or restriction. I will then discuss my exam findings with you and the treatment options available. I ensure that you and your child are comfortable before and during each and every treatment.

What Does Treatment Look Like?

Chiropractic treatment for an infant or child is very different than treating an adult. I use both sustained pressure and light massage techniques (no more than the pressure you would put on your own eyelid) to achieve desired results. There are no loud cracks or clicks during treatments. I also uses a combination of stretches and strengthening exercises to achieve desired results. You will also be shown exercises to do at home to help your child with their condition.

How Many Treatments Will My Child Need?

Babies and children typically respond very well to chiropractic care. Their bodies are changing so quickly and therefore treatments are usually well received. However, every child has a unique set of needs and a thorough examination will need to be performed to determine an appropriate care plan to reach your goals.

Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Infants and Kids?

Chiropractic care is both safe and effective for infants and young children. It is important to choose a practitioner who has a focus and additional training in treating this population. I have taken numerous pediatric courses to ensure that I can provide the highest quality of care to your child.